
Thursday, September 11, 2008

September 11, 2008

Years and years after the tower incident in NYC.

We still have the overreaction laws that infringe on citizen freedom.

The borders and ports still are a sieve.

The overreaction has done little productive. It jiggered the bureaucracy around. It put things on the books that infringe on liberty. It was used as the excuse of the present White House occupant to infringe more on liberty by executive orders - a secret process for secret spying on regular folks causing no trouble.

Fight it.

The time for sunshine on that overreaction is overdue.

TwoPutt Tommy is one of the strongest and most constant voices for individual liberty and privacy. His post was earlier and more detailed than mine, I urge everyone to read it on MnBlue, the link is here. There is not a thing there that I would disagree with. Especially,

"One of the hardest parts of my job is to connect Iraq to the war on terror." -- George orWell Bush, September 6th, 2006

Of course it's hard; Iraq had nothing to do with 9-11 but everything to do with furthering neo-conservative goals.

In 130 days it will be January 20th, 2009 - The End Of An Error

We can, this cycle, sweep out the error and not perpetuate it; by sweeping out those that say staying in Iraq for a hundred years would be okay and by sweeping out every Senator we can who facilitated attacks on our liberty. Rid us please of that entire bunch of non-serving warmongers, including the preeminent protest voice of Hofstra University, the one as sincere as his dental-work smile and who's been given a sword, by Dick Cheney, to rattle and beat against his shield, in doing his part in the war on citizen liberties.

Hey, sweep him out of DC and he won't have to live in that horrible basement anymore, paying that outrageously high rent. Think of it that way.