
Monday, September 22, 2008

Aubrey Immelman continues posting views and news.

It is good to see the Immelman website has NOT shut down, even after the primary making Bachmann now the unchallenged GOP ballot choice this November. In retrospect one wishes Immelman had run as IP candidate, then having a primary against Bob Anderson; who despite anything Elwyn Tinklenberg says will be the IP ballot choice this November.

Without further digression, Immelman's latest post on his website, here, is about the Islamabad truck bomb strike at the city's upscale Marriot Hotel.

I find Juan Cole's analysis about the relative weakness at present of al Q'ada to be convincing, but clearly the Taliban is strong and capable of forcefully asserting itself. Immelman attributes the bombing to both organizations, while I presume in the absence of publicly released definitive evidence, that the Taliban or its Pakistani supporters are alone responsible.

Interestingly, Immelman has seized on the importance of Pakistani unrest over US cross-border intrusions, before this Reuters item had today been released.

Shooting at a helicopter does express sincere unrest, confirming Immelman's analysis of the importance of the issue.

Again --- It is praiseworthy that Immelman has continued posting, now more as "blogger" than as candidate. Please, have a look, the link is here.

Please have a look at the stream of war news Immelman has cataloged.

I cannot understand things, and I am certain it is a fault or limitation of mine, and not any degree of truth-bending at all --- but if that "surge" is so super effective as McCain and his war mentor Bush claim, why is there all that stuff going on that the Immelman site has listed?

Since it cannot be truth-bending by our GOP leadership among whom another hundred years in Iraq is a keen idea, my limited capacity to understand cause and effect and truth are strained to find some other explanation. Post a comment if you have that other explanation - all that bombing and lawlessness going on despite that great and declared effective surge - why so effective a surge mission, we are being told, that you'd expect a big show over it with a "Mission Accompllished" banner in red-white-and-blue background display [with Dan Quayle this time responsible for spelling].