
Sunday, July 13, 2008

Why not fly a plane for the next five years over Eveleth full of money and throw cash out the window?

Prior post - pork processing per Pawlenty (and others) and their Hall of Shame.

Instead, esteemed legislators and our veep-chasing Guv allow $80,000 per year over the next five years to be squandered where it would make more sense to fly a plane there once a year and simply pitch the money out the window.

There would be less bookkeeping that way. The money would go to a more deserving cause. People in the streets, gathering it up for personal gain or need.

Instead, our luminaries want to showcase their crass capacity for pure taxpayer abuse, with a come-and-look-and-pay-to-enter local wasteful little dog and pony on ice memorabilia show. This, from here (click on image to enlarge):

And blame Pawlenty. There are no two ways there. He holds the line item veto pen. The intent in giving it to him is for him to use it to curb any combination of pure stupidity and biased local pork loving avarice.

Blame Pawlenty since he, ostensibly, represents all of us and is the one who promised his drumbeaters to not do shameful things, tax-wise.

The two locals, well, they socialize with the other locals, and have that as a feeble excuse for the absolute shamefulness of what was done while the economy in the state is on the ropes and people everywhere around the state are suffering, some without a home, some without healthcare. And for what was the money diverted from such meritorious uses? For this:

Put the pictures in a scrapbook on some closet shelf, they deserve that memorial for what they are, and then reallocate the cash for true Minnesota need. And remember-

The locals have that lame excuse. Pawlenty has none.