
Tuesday, July 15, 2008

RAMSEY - Filings for Council vacancies closed today. The lame ducks should leave Community Center as an issue for the next Council.

Only one of the four incumbents filed to run for reelection.

There will be new faces for the one at large seat, mayor, and ward 2. David Jeffrey will seek reelection in ward 4, the only incumbent running this cycle.

That leaves him, possibly, and David Elvig (not up for reelection until next cycle) as remnants of the council who moved at great cost the city hall from the Highway 5 location to the over-lavish present Norman castle on Sunwood - a deed done to voters by the Council without a referendum.

That was done before Dehen and Look, the other two members whose seats are not up this cycle, took office.

So, Jeffrey and Elvig. Carryovers.

Elvig chaired the Town Center Task Force, and sat on council from Jan 2003 to present. Hence, he voted on all the major mischief Ramsey has suffered - a massive shift in the percentage of shared wall housing and its great densities, running sewer and water to the Jerry Bauer gun club [with adjustments between Bauer and Peterson so that Elvig could feel comfortable ceasing to recuse himself and cast the tie-braker vote for that counterproductive sewer-water expansion], and also approval of the Nedegaard LLC's purchase of Kurak land for Town Center, approval of the Development Agreement for Town Center, approval of a most generous award to the Kuraks on the Highway 116 condemnation instead of taking it to litigation, and, indeed, on council when the entire thing could have been stopped, stymied, scaled back or otherwise adjusted instead of advancing full speed into a major ongoing failure.

I cannot recall a single instance when, during his tenure, Jeffrey voted differently from Elvig on any matter of importance. Any reader who can think of something that way is invited to post a comment.

Perhaps the thing should be called the Elvig Town Center, since he will also carry over into the major mop-up phase of its lifetime. Or name the sewer extension after him, since he was its main proponent, on council. Then name the sop to the developers the Haas-Steffen Town Center, giving Natalie her due, and give Elvig recognition of the "services" extension to the gun club as his prime legacy.

In light of the general quality of decision making by outgoing council members, they should have the good grace and good judgment now, at least, to leave the entire community center situation for the new people to resolve.

I expect a new mood of sensible fiscal responsibility will sweep in and govern starting at the beginning of next year.

There may be changes in consultancies and other arrangements. In general, excesses of the past likely will be reined in.

Hence, the new people should be viewed by those leaving office as entitled to a clean slate, and not have a community center lame duck thing presented them for possible undoing upon taking office.

I would hope they are granted that courtesy. The voters also deserve such a show of decency to the new people they will be voting in to straighten things out, whoever they may turn out to be after the general election.

Finally, this information: Unless things change substantially during the three day period where candidates can withdraw, each seat will be contested and mayor and the at large seat will need a primary to narrow those races to two candidates.