
Monday, July 07, 2008

More on Aubrey Immelman and the Sixth District GOP Primary.

Rachel Strassen-Berger, of PiPress, on her Political Animal blog has links to Immelman's faculty pages at St. John's and College of St. Benedict, which I had not seen previously. Immelman's training was in South Africa, undergrad, Masters and PhD, with the PhD attained 1991. That is probably too early for the thesis to be online.

Also, KARE 11 carried an AP report. The fact is percolating that there will be a GOP primary in Minnesota's Sixth. My guess is the man needs donations to make a credible run, and individuals unhappy with either of the other choices might consider that.

From his campaign website he has not yet set up any online donations machinery. The indication there is that he starts in earnest as a candidate, July 15.

However, the campaign website gives this info for snail mail donations:

Immelman for Congress
PO Box 117
Sartell, MN 56377

Having the campaign name and PO box indicates there probably is a campaign treasurer, campaign account, etc., suggesting contributions can be sent ASAP.

But in doing that, please also remember, DFL candidate "Seargent" Steve Sarvi, donation info here, is running against an entrenched GOP candidate and trailing badly in fund raising for that reason.

If you are a Golden Gopher fan, and hence habitually rooting for the underdog, think of those two.

Whether you are a conservative or moderate, you have an underdog candidate you can help.

And by the way, I was at a Chinese restaurant yesterday, but forgot to check the place mat. Is 2008 the year of the (under)dog? It might be.