
Friday, July 18, 2008

More Fundraising - Third Congressional District - Millions at play.

Other reports are online, this is from Political Animal:

Madia 3rd District candidacy tops $1 million

Ashwin Madia's campaign for retiring U.S. Rep. Jim Ramstad's 3rd District seat has generated almost $1.1 million in campaign contributions so far.

Madia, a Democrat, announced today that his campaign raised almost $700,000 in the second quarter, leaving him with about $740,000 cash on hand.

Last week, Republican congressional candidate Erik Paulsen said he raised more than $600,000 in the second quarter, giving him more than $1.1 million in cash.

Independence Party candidate David Dillon was well behind those two. Dillon reported raising slightly more than $16,000 in the quarter, providing him about that much cash on hand.

Madia, relative to his opponent, a non-incumbent, has done better than non-incumbent Elwyn Tinklenberg in the Sixth. Paulsen, also a non-incumbent, lags slightly behind Bachmann's Sixth District total on hand, with Bachmann the incumbent.

It appears the Third District a focal contest locally and nationally. I expect the GOP also aims to fight to hold its two incumbent posts, Bachmann and Col. Kline.