
Saturday, July 05, 2008

The GOP doesn't get it. The complaint and evidence is Norman Coleman and Jeff Olson broke ethics law, regardless of who is making the complaint.

I could be wrong but I doubt it. Google Alert linked to Lake Minetonka Liberty's reposting of a GOP party press release, here and reprinted here.

You can scan or read it. It is not worth any excerpting. The point is they want to kill the messenger because of the painful truth of the message, something their lengthy screed dodges entirely.

So much for sophistry, thy name is GOP.

Sure it is a partisan complaint.

They will not police their own excesses and wrong doings.

Congress has a low approval rating and in part its ethical standards are aimed to lessen that truth.

If these people carry on wrongly, as they have, Norman Coleman and Jeff Larson, and the housing without real rent thing, somebody has to be the Sheriff.

If it is Al Franken, if it is Al Franken's friends, then the offense happened. And praise Al Franken and friends for not letting it simply slide into the oozing pool of dark criminality and near criminal behavior of the Tom DeLays, the William Jeffersons, the others on either side that believe they are so big and arrogant that they are above the law, exempt from the rules.

If it was you behind the CREW complaint, then Sheriff Al, thanks.

Sheriff Al, you should wear a badge. A gold star. Somebody had to get the septic tank pumped, after all. Otherwise it just overflows and stinks up the entire yard.

We in the exurbs know all that.