
Monday, June 30, 2008

This headline: Oil tops $143 for the first time - Crude futures hit new trading high as traders fear the greenback's drop, tension in Iran.

That reporting is CNN, June 30, 2008, here.

Seymour Hersh has been stoking the furnace for years, e.g., in 2006, here. Most recently, here (prepublished online). McCain sings, "Bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb Iran." To Beachboys Barbara Ann. They say he is a more experienced foreign policy candidate than Obama. They must be crazy.

What's going on now, where's the money going, see the speculation, here.

Telegraph says it knows, the IAEA knows, and Isreal knows and might do it or let George do it. Here, and here.

Guardian correctly points out, the oil market is wobbly, Iran appears problematic, and I like pistacio nuts and that market is in peril also. Here and here.

I foresee no action in the next month or two, but there could be an October surprise, or a post-election lame-duck gift for the incoming administration. And why nothing sooner? Because two key camps are still out. The global warming skeptics and the Holocaust skeptics still have not been heard from, claiming The Bomb itself is a hoax.

Newt is collecting cash and signatures, and Michele Bachmann may bring her circus props to another Twin Cities area gas station near you, staying as much a turkey as ever. See, here, here, and here. For some inexplicable reason, she ditched the pearls for the gas station gig.

So, is Newt running for Vice Pres, Michele running for photo ops, and ever going to post an easy-to-navigate, simple site map?

And what will be cooked up between now and early November besides the same old, same old?