
Friday, June 13, 2008

Rush Limbaugh's apprentice.

Rush Limbaugh would be proud of tutoring he's done. Send him a copy. Austin Daily Herald:

Letter: Franken against gun ownership
Published Thursday, June 12, 2008

In one of Senate candidate Al Franken’s literary efforts titled, “Rush Limbaugh is a Big Fat Idiot,” he reveals his personal feelings about a topic important to many Minnesotans. In chapter 12 of his book, I learned that candidate Franken is against private ownership of guns due to his belief that firearms in the home are “too dangerous.” I believe these views are more consistent with California or New York, where Mr. Franken still maintains corporate interests.

His problem is Minnesota has always been a pro-gun state. Remember, a bipartisan majority passed “conceal and carry.” I called the National Rifle Association’s legislative office April 22 for Senator Coleman’s most recent NRA rating score. Coleman’s previous votes and questionnaire answers qualified him for the highest category (A).

John Holley

Vietnam Vet

Ironton, Minn.

John, thanks. You add so much to the political landscape. Without your attention we would be at a loss to keep the republic on track.

We benefit a lot as voters when people take the time to write this kind of letter to the editor. It is a window into things some of us might not have thought about. But, John, why did it take from April 22 until June 12, to compose such a short and direct letter?