
Friday, June 06, 2008

One thing, so far, you can believe in - integrity about what kind of money he'd accept or not, the DNC will accept or not.

Getting rid of fleas, the excerpt is from here.

DNC will no longer take lobbyist, PAC money

NEW YORK (AP) — In his first order of business as his party's presumed presidential nominee, Barack Obama is instructing the Democratic National Committee to adopt his policy against accepting donations from federal lobbyists or political action committees.

In addition, Obama is keeping Howard Dean as the chairman of the Democratic National Committee, while bringing in one of his top strategists to oversee the party's operations.

Obama made changes at the party headquarters his first order of business as the presumed presidential nominee. Campaign adviser Paul Tewes was dispatched to help lead the changes Thursday, with Dean still as the chairman.

The move indicates Obama will argue Republican rival John McCain is under the influence of special interests because of his advisers' lobbying ties.

McCain's senior advisers are former lobbyists, including campaign manager Rick Davis, and McCain was stung last month by the disclosure that two advisers worked for a firm that had represented Myanmar's military junta, which has restricted foreign assistance for cyclone victims.

The Arizona senator instituted a new lobbying policy that says no campaign staffer can be a registered lobbyist, resulting in three more departures from his campaign, including a top fundraiser, former Texas Rep. Tom Loeffler.

It was reported months ago that Obama had a PAC, that had taken PAC money, but it is clear that he is changing things to reflect a basic will and commitment to be independent and outside of any favor-seeking or influence-peddling actual or potential corrupting reach.

And McCain also reportedly is cleaning up staff-lobbyist embarassments.