
Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Norman Coleman just confuses me. I thought he was True Blue, until he thought it a productive career move to switch to Republican Red.

I suppose you can have it both ways if you are experienced at it. Norm is "True Blue." And the people who say so are thought police who, strangely, care to not think about his unconventional family arrangements.

Coleman, himself, touts:

FAMILY RESEARCH COUNCIL AWARDS COLEMAN TRUE BLUE AWARD -- MN Senator’s voting record receives 100% rating

December 10th, 2003 - Washington, DC – The Family Research Council awarded Senator Norm Coleman its True Blue Award today. The commendation was made in recognition of the Council’s 100% support of Coleman’s voting record.

“I’m honored to receive this award,” Coleman said. “When I came to Washington, I made a commitment to fight for common-sense Minnesota values. I was also proud to co-sponsor legislation recently signed into law by the President that prohibits partial birth abortion."

In the words of the Family Research Council, “the True Blue Award is presented to members of Congress who demonstrate extraordinary integrity and character in their defense of the family and the sanctity of human life through their votes. Recipients of the True Blue Award have achieved perfect voting records on the issues of important to the American family.”

Minnesota Congressmen Gutknecht, Kennedy and Kline also received the True Blue Award.

Well, Gutknecht --- Kennedy --- so much flotsam and jetsam with the tide [I think Kennedy is the jetsam, actually, jettisoned by Ron Carey's will to deny Rod Grams' will, jettisoned from Kennedy's comfort in MN 6 to seek a higher calling, and that means Gutknecht is flotsam, beached by the Walz tidal wave, beached like a stinking whale carcass, in a sense].

So far, Kline and Coleman have survived being True Blue Republican Red flotsam, with neither jettisoned, each still in office, but this November promises to bring a broom for a sweeping. However, skill in not needing a Weatherman to know which way the wind blows has been a Norman Coleman hallmark since war protester days at Hofstra (if not earlier while the old man was having eight kids and probably in the parking lots back then too), and perhaps our Norman Coleman will along with Miller and Bud, redifine himself or his product line as True Blue Lite, or some such differing price point and same-but-different brand loyalty.

And I wonder what Pastor Perkins of that value-voting body thinks of the Coleman family's Blo-n-Go business, choice of name and all. But when you are all things to all people, some contradictions attach, and Perkins probably is a compassionate forgiving Christian soul.

I guess if you are chasing votes you don't let convictions or belief get in the way of something so fundamentally more important than what your core integrity is based upon; you flash the cosmetic-dentristry in a smile and say, "Thank you, I am True Blue." And you mean it. It is not mere expediency. Although expedience always has its place. Yet, still I wonder how far the Coleman family will get into the action alert soon-upcoming Our Nation's Birthday swing of things:

June 9, 2008 - Monday

Our nation's birthday is upon us, and it is the perfect time for you and your church to host a Christian Citizenship Sunday on either June 29 or July 6. Our Voter Impact Toolkit has everything you need, including:

* A CD-ROM with multimedia materials, like a promotional video and a PowerPoint. The CD also contains print-ready advertising materials.
* A Patriotic Sermon and Fill-in-the-Blank Listener notes
* A Worship Folder
* A display stand with 50 voter registration forms
* "How To" information for hosting a Voter Registration Event
* Legal Do's and Don'ts for pastors and churches
* 36-page Voter Resource Guide
* Promotional Poster
* Much, much more!

Click here to order the Toolkit for a donation of any amount. Pastors who order can obtain the Toolkit free as long as supplies last. But order soon because quantities are limited and July 4 is coming!

The election season is kicking into high gear, and there is much at stake because the fall elections will determine our next U.S. President, who will serve as Commander-In-Chief, enforce our laws, and nominate justices and judges for the Supreme Court and the lower Federal Courts. In addition, we will choose our Representatives to Congress, a number of U.S. Senators, and a host of state and local officials.

Tragically, bad politicians are helped into office by good people who don't vote. So order the Toolkit and stay up to date by visiting A collaborative effort between FRC and Focus on the Family, is fast becoming the nation's premier voter registration, education, and mobilization website. There you can begin the process of registering to vote, encourage others to do the same, consider biblical values when voting, and pray for the election of godly leaders (Proverbs 29:2).

Well, even though not invited a half-year ago as a presidential hopeful, because he's not yet there in his career chart, I hope that our Senator Coleman nonetheless was one of those "members of Congress" who attended this family value love-in:

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: September 19, 2007 CONTACT: J.P. Duffy or Maria Donovan, (866) FRC-NEWS

Washington, D.C. - Today FRC Action announced that GOP presidential candidate Senator John McCain (R-Aziz.) will speak at FRC Action's Washington Briefing 2007: Values Voter Summit on Friday, October 19. This is Senator McCain's first appearance at an FRC Action event.

Senator McCain will be joined by Governor Mitt Romney, Senator Sam Brownback (R-KS), Congressman Duncan Hunter (R-CA), and Congressman Tom Tancredo (R-CO). No Democratic candidate has accepted the invitation to speak. We await responses from Mayor Rudy Giuliani and Senator Fred Thompson.

The five GOP presidential candidates will appeal for support from the gathering of pro-family activists who will participate in the first Values Voter Summit Straw Poll. The straw poll will be a defining moment as candidates see where they stack up with one of the most crucial voting blocs in the country. The straw poll will begin at noon on Friday, October 19, and will conclude the next day at 1 pm. The winner of the straw poll is expected to be announced at
3 pm on Saturday.

The exciting line-up will include speakers such as Judge Robert Bork, John Fund, Mark Levin, Bill Bennett, Ben Stein, Michael Steele, Phyllis Schlafly, Rick Santorum, members of Congress, [...] Saturday evening Dr. James Dobson will be honored at a gala dinner.

You can't get truer or bluer for that crowd of patriots than Judge Bork, Bill Bennett, Phyllis Schlafley, or Rick Santorum, can you? Our Senator - right on in there - it is mind-jogging to see him among such a host of luminaries. Norm, keep it up, please.

It seems to me it would fall just a bit short of "True Blue" to stand up these people and their inclusive exciting line-up at a time when they have a special event prepared for the very True Blue family advocate Rev. James Dobson.

It would be unseemly to not kiss the Godfather's hand.

Norman Coleman would not be crass to his frineds and beg out, would he? No time for "I have a headache." I do hope he made a True Blue appearance. Does anybody know?