
Friday, June 06, 2008

A Minnesota Monitor online feature on Nelson-Pallmeyer.

The link is here.

While trailing in funding behind millionaires Franken and Ciresi, Jack Nelson-Pallmeyer did get a wave of mailings out before precinct caucuses, and has not totally escaped local press recognition & coverage - although the two statewide dailies have been slow to recognize his potential while one has been prompt to follow discord.

At any rate, Paul Demko continues his prodigious political reporting and commentary, having reported earlier on the Coleman and Bachmann camps taking money from lobbyists, moreover lobbyists for the Burmese junta.

Minnesota Monitor and Demko in particular, broke those stories.

If you can get past the "conversion on the road to Damascus" tone of some of the testimonials being reported, the mere fact of Demko's coverage, rather than the content on the eve of the endorsement contest is the main message. Jack Nelson-Pallmeyer is being recognized as a seriously appealing choice for a seat in the United States Senate.

And writing in the form of testimonials - anectdotal rather than not - does serve to inspire others, delegates to tomorrow's convention, to see if they can touch and feel that energy and persona the testimonials feature. Jack is an impressive person.