
Monday, June 02, 2008

The Jack Pack solicitation -- It would be okay as a tailgating party, but getting into the hall could be a disruption.

Above is the official announcement, click to enlarge, and since the image links will not work here are the links:




And Jack cearly wants his supporters to show the will of the people, where more is better, but not as a mob will.

As a courteous and orderly and pleasant meeting and greeting (and hooting a bit for Jack - hooting politely).

The delagates have to be free of harassment, because Jack would not want any disorderly or counterproductive outcome. Only to win. That's all.

Info about the locale is here, but coordinate your effort through the two email addresses - momentum, above, or volunteer, above, or just give them a call - good luck getting through - with numbers on the JackForSenate's contact us page.