
Friday, June 06, 2008

Finalists for the "Serve With the General" promo involving Gen. Wes Clark include Ashwin Madia, Minnesota Third Congressional District DFL candidate.

For those thinking Madia is better for Minnesota than his GOP rival, his public recognition can be helped if you take the time to go to this page, and vote for him.

I am sure the other four Dems merit recognition also, and being finalists gives them that - others sought the recognition but their support was insufficient to make the list of five finalists.

Even making that finalist list is a boost for Madia, and it shows a popularity that deserves recognition.

Again, to vote for him among the finalists, the online ballot is here.

The more people who take the time to Vote Madia, the better his chance to bring a General to town to serve with an ex-junior rank commissioned officer.

Congratulations, Mr. Madia.