
Monday, June 30, 2008

Am I alone, or do others see their intelligence insulted by this bombastic nothingness, nicely enough worded?

Tinklenberg campaign website, on "Issues" this:

* I will support a comprehensive policy shift that focuses on creating good jobs at good wages through reforms in tax, trade, economic, and labor policy.
* I will advocate for needed investments in education and infrastructure that will generate quality new jobs and improve long-term economic opportunities.
* I will work to expand the research and development of new energy technologies to create local jobs, improve our environment, decrease our dependence on foreign oil, and limit consumer energy costs.

I bet the man likes America and apple pie.

And I bet he never saw an American Flag he did not want to stand next to for a photo op, with that so very sincere smile.

I remember my mother saying, you make faces like that, your face is going to freeze. It is that kind of smile the Tink's perfected.

But back to the basics. Just this, one time, level with folks, please.

What policies?

What "comprehensive policy shift?"

He's created jobs for Tinklenberg Group, but not by any "comprehensive policy shift" that I can see. Rather he's done that by saying "Oberstar" an awful lot.

There is nothing comprehensive to that.

Nor any shift.