
Tuesday, May 27, 2008

This electron microscope photo shows a taconite fiber breaking up into smaller fibers in rat lung tissue.

4.[click on document to enlarge]

caption, plus 1 and 2, from here
3 from here
4 from here

of interest, see here re provable impairment plus fear of cancer, here re ditto, and here re general nature of a "fugitive dust" cause of action

first where there is fugitive dust there is no neighborhood workers comp shield if there is actual harm to a class representative having also a fear of cancer

second of interest is a quote from one above-referenced item

Citing a recent study by the Rand Institute for Civil Justice in Santa Monica, the high court on Monday said that asbestos litigation has consumed about $50 billion already and that the total cost may exceed $200 billion.

not chump change

and that is asbestos litigation, not parallel but separate arguably different though comparable "taconite fiber" litigation - will there be a deep pocket at the end of that trial-lawyers' tunnel

the Ciresi firm knows how to ask questions in cancer litigation and has wherewithal to represent a class

state coordinators for PUBLIC JUSTICE are listed here

- and they said I could not put up a post without being wordy -