
Friday, May 16, 2008

They get the progressive one, we get the one with fleas.

Ah, the lucky folks living in the third district.

Aswin Madia, by popular voting, has been elected the Newest Progressive Patriot. Please visit the site and see more about Ashwin Madia's honor. He deserves the honor. If only he were the DFL endorsed candidate in the sixth district. We'd have something good, if that were to be.

Instead we get a blue dog, replete with fleas.

A blue dog replete with fleas - which is the excess baggage a dog carries - but with a bunch of billboards saying he's optimistic.

He paid for the billboards, so he can make them say that. Yet no matter how optimistic he is the fleas will not go away. ET will be scratching through November. Jim Oberstar and others might try a flea bath, but washing out taconite tailings and all would take a humongous effort. Even with the Eighth safe and locked in, Jim still has his own fish to fry, his own load to carry, his own billboards to erect.