
Monday, May 26, 2008

Jack Nelson Pallmeyer - a letter to the editor.

Jack's family, Hannah, Naomi, Jack, Sara, and Audrey Nelson-Pallmeyer, from "about Jack," on the campaign website.

Blue Man in A Red District republishes the short May 25, Strib leading letter of the day, from Barbara Calrson of Shrewood, saying mainly:

Over the past few days, I have read with interest all the hype and hand-wringing over the U.S. Senate race. In all of this, I have failed to see the name of Jack Nelson-Pallmeyer mentioned.

We do not have to look to a humorist or to someone proven to back his party no matter what, in order to have a viable alternative candidate for the U.S. Senate.I urge you to go to Jack's website,, and see for yourself.

You should do that, visit the website, but first read this, one of the earlier pieces of campaign literature the household received from Jack prior to precinct caucus, showing much of what he offers as a candidate that is appealing [click to enlarge the image]:

Legitimately using Wellstone green, Jack expresses vision more than ten years out, talking about the global view and not what's he done in the past for Blaine or such. Hopes. Expressing a sense of justice and goals - where if you quit on that out of cynicism or belief in starting small, or myopia over only immediate goals, then you've given away the store before you start and try, never mind keeping after it.

Please look at Jack's website. And that of Franken. He also is good.