
Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Time to call out Star Tribune for inexcusible big-time mainstream media bias.

First, I favor Jack Nelson Pallmeyer for DFL endorsement, but Al Franken is also an outstanding candidate.

There were three outstanding candidates for Senate before Mike Ciresi dropped out.

Still two.

And an awful incumbent to be swept out. Jack or Franken, either would be a fine broom, for the sweeping.

Here's the big-time-bias situation.

Do an advanced Google (site specific to Strib) for Franken taxes (this Google = franken taxes site: and see the multiple hits, where the GOP mountain-out-of-a-molehill Brodkorb-special propaganda gets recycled, by STRIB.

Then, try this comparable site-specific Google on the fact that Norm Coleman has not reported his spouse's "Blo and Go" income, despite it being a going concern of the Colemans, for about four years (this time, the Google = coleman "blow and go" site:

Not a hit.

However, Strib did report it, but in terms of the Colemans hoping with their business partner to "become gazillionaires." The @&&$*#@@^*&^ gossip column, in January is where it got buried.


First, credit TwoPuttTommy for connecting the dots, between the Coleman family income source and the listing of two other spousal income streams but not mentioning "Blo & Go" "as seen on TV."

Then see the fair-and-balanced blog coverage, something both STRIB and PiPress have passed on covering, here, here, here, here, here and here.

The story clearly is known. Widely known. Even Norm Coleman in DC, knows. That widely known.

The income source, the failure in reporting - it is all there for STRIB, but not delivered to STRIB from Doug Tice's more favored source, Michael Brodkorb.

Go figure.

Here's what Norm Coleman did report, while not reporting "Blo and Go" income of the Norm Coleman spouse [click the image to enlarge, and the above TwoPuttTommy link gives this link for the full Coleman report form]

Perhaps there's a simple explanation, such as "Hays Company" or "Bell Phillip Television" is the owner/marketer/parent venture for "Blo & Go" "as seen on TV" but -- if not, then there should be a third line: BLO AND GO (SPOUSE) to accompany the other two.

You can see the high quality sophistication of the product planning and marketing, to fully appreciate the Coleman - GOP sobriety in things, from the website, here.

Next --- Trying to read body language is an uncertain thing, but I'd have to say Franken appears somewhat perplexed by STRIB's uneven coverage, judging by the picture Strib ran of him:

That tacky, tacky, super-tacky name and presentation, "Blo and Go." Perhaps Norm just did not list it out of sheer and total embarassment over the name. If you Google "Blo and Go," which after all is the product name chosen by the Colemans and their retinue, you will see some craigslist things that use the same term, and in a way that does no real credit to our Sen. Coleman or his spouse. He might have "overlooked" listing it, made a scrivening error, etc., because - he forgot the name???? Huh? Come on.

So, bottom line, where's STRIB when it comes to financial affairs of lil' Norm?

Playing favorites? In the GOP tent, more, and more, and more?

That's my guess. It's the appearance of things.

I see no real alternative.

Unfairness always is clear for what it is.

Franken is getting a screwing by that paper.

I did a search; Google = coleman "blo & go" site:

With that, I got two STRIB hits. Both the gossip column. Here's the second link.

Go figure.

I repeat, Al Franken is getting a screwing by that paper.

Norm is getting a free pass, a "Get Out of Jail Free" card, on an unreported business activity/income.

You think -- Maybe nobody's buying the little hummer, and it's a loss. Who's to say? Norm? You'd expect that, wouldn't you? Maybe it's the accountants.

Well, here's the link to the Wapo item the STRIB gossip column mentions but does not link to. The suggestion from Wapo coverage is that it's producing a cash flow. There is no cause to fail to report it, from what that coverage says.

________FURTHER UPDATE_________
Interesting, all over the blogs, where the story is discussed, there are none of the regular "anonymous" GOP trolls saying a peep. Total hands off, let it end. Interesting. Norm's minions being quiet - what's to be made of that? Cohesiveness? Plan and action? Central coordination, just as in Stalinist days of yore? What's up?

Beyond that observation, Blue man has picked up the thread, in two postings, and lloydletta had an interesting link over to another Blo-&-go touting site,

"Professional Results With Laurie Coleman's BLO and GO." It says that in the headline. It gives the above pic, and the item says:

After coming up with the concept and general design, she enlisted Hollywood PR man, Anthony Turk as her partner as well as actor/host Lee Reherman. Anthony Turk currently represents Lee Reherman as well as stars such as Eva LaRue, Adrienne Janic, Sunkrish Bala, Justin Chon, and many more.

I have not heard of a single one of these "stars." Have you? Staring in what, directed by whom, gaining which awards, again, give me the detail, Laurie - or Norm? What about DC stars? Any of them to feature?

From that LAsThePlace thing, it sure looks as if the product and its success are big to the Coleman family, something you'd expect Norm would have not neglected to report to the public in his filings, Laurie quoted as:

The BLO and GO is my first business venture. I studied dance for years with the Minnesota Dance Theater which eventually lead [sic] to runway and acting. The arts were always my passion and focus. I never thought that a business venture could be something that I was passionate about but I feel a lot of passion for this product because it is a part of me! [...] Currently we are working on the US market but soon we will be heading international. We are already talking with distributors who work in Europe, South America and Asia. No matter what part of the world you are in, women get this product and it is universal for all women. Pretty soon the BLO and GO will be everywhere.

Wow! Two billion Chinese, each with a personal BLO and GO. The entire Indian subcontinent. BLO and GO for Taliban off-turban styling, for the hair styling under every burqua. It is mind boggling, and Norm reports not a nickel's worth of business income. What's wrong with that man?

Finally, it looks as if several of Spotty's commentators hit on the Coleman reporting omission along with TwoPuttTommy - who had his say there also.

So, okay you GOP readers, the ones who jumped my praise of Abeler and Tingelstad for overriding the idiot's veto, what have you to say about the Coleman negligence in financial reporting and disclosure? Why the silence? Got both hands busy doing your hair - then buy a BLO and GO, and type a comment or two with the free hand.