
Saturday, April 05, 2008

No surprise. GOP is satisfied with Michele Bachmann.

photo: Michele Bachmann, about a year ago, April 15, 2007, tax-grandstanding in typical Bachmannian fashion, never having met a photo-op she did not like.
[photo original from pro-Bachmann Dare2sayit blog]

Today the St. Cloud Times reports:

Latest: Bachmann wins unanimous endorsement at 6th District convention
By Lawrence Schumacher
Published: April 05. 2008 12:30AM - Last updated: April 05. 2008 12:16PM

BLAINE – Republicans in Minnesota’s 6th Congressional District today unanimously endorsed U.S. Rep. Michele Bachmann, R-Minn., for a second congressional term.

“You have given me an honor and a privilege to serve you,” Bachmann told the near-full crowd of delegates. “I tell you in all honesty, I have voted the way I said I would vote. I have kept my word to you. If I am blessed enough in 2008 to be re-elected, I will keep my word to you.”