
Saturday, April 05, 2008

Bright Keys and Phil Dommer meet a town council with a backbone. At least for now.

In Menomonie, Dunn County, Wisconsin responsible leadership was shown.

The perpetrators of Ramsey Town Center Gardens, thanks in large measure to our pliant Ramsey City Council, got a different result - a council that listened at least presently to citizen and neighbor opposition to drastic alteration of their immediate neighborhood and the quiet enjoyment they had come to expect from their community and its leadership.

Hats off to the 8-3 vote against Dommer and his adventuring, stalling Crabgrass growth in that community, at least for the present (as reported recently, here and here).

[painting, "Future Home Of" by Menomonie artist, Robert Christy.]

Development, like terrorism, has to win only once - getting that one approval no matter how many trips to the well it takes - while citizen vigilance must win every time; or be defeated.

At least for now, the good people of Menomonie have triumphed against the terror they faced. Bless them and wish them a crabgrass-free future.

Free of the future home of Heritage Greens, a proposed Menomonie PUD project name as hoked up as Ramsey's "Town Center Gardens," when all the Ramsey thing is, is blocks and blocks of dense housing. Builders my differ. Density does not differ. Without gardens. Find me one garden there, much less in the plural.