
Tuesday, March 25, 2008

The Sunday Sixth Congressional District Debate held in Anoka City Hall has been posted online.

Political Muse has the links to the Debate segments, on You Tube.

Have a look.

The Candidates Q & A, where Elwyn Tinklenberg unilaterally changed the format, only taking but refusing to ask any questions, is the segment where the question of taconite tailings use as paving aggregate arose, and where it was claimed that Larry Zanko of NRRI had "certified" the stuff as safe, when the question was about Health Department certification, not anything else.

The Q & A segment is also where the revolving door lobbying issue, and its implications was asked and ducked.

I posted on my impressions after the debate, here.

I have not reviewed things to see if I have made any mistakes of recollection.

I do not think I got a single thing wrong, however. I invite any/all readers to comment if in reviewing the segments they catch me in an error or misstatement. If so, I appologize in advance, and will note and retract anything wrongly stated.

Have a look.