
Saturday, March 15, 2008

Something the union bosses should have asked months ago before endorsing Elwyn Tinklenberg.

A simple thing. "Elwyn, how do you treat your hired help?"

There are two parts to this question, which the union bosses might have asked, but with disclosure of the responses never reaching the voting public.

First aspect, what is the benefit package - pregnancy leave, healthcare coverage, sick leave, etc. The nuts and bolts.

Second aspect, do you use at all the "independent contractor" ruse?

Since they either never asked, or never to my knowledge released any responsive information - I ask the question:

Elwyn Tinklenberg, how do you treat your hired help?

At the Sunday, March 16, 2008 Anoka Candidates' Forum, Olson and Tinklenberg each answered that question. Each provides healthcare coverage. Neither uses independent contractors, except for very special, out-of-the-norm things, where each has an immaterial exception and each freely said so. This is good news. Next the question needs to be posed to Michele Bachmann. Is it still the case that the Bachmann family Christian mental health counseling clinic, a health provider, is without healthcare coverage for hired help?