
Wednesday, March 12, 2008

UPDATED Chase Golding, I have a beef with you and the Tinklenberg campaign and what you did with private information, how you involved a third party.


Chase Golding is the operative who mailed out the propaganda piece that TwoPuttTommy jumped on recently, here and here, and with just cause.

There's more.

This email got sent to Mr. Golding minutes ago:

Subject: Dishonesty or not?

Mr. Golding-

First, in a propaganda piece you sent me, there was a claim that Elwyn Tinklenberg has endorsements from all the Minnesota Congressional delegation and I have seen this disputed on the web. True or false?

Second, your email was full of browser hijacking false links. Instead of what the face of the item said, when pasted over into a browser address line, gave a mailing service where a whois check showed it to be some operation out of Portland, Oregon, not your email address as represented, not the DFL's HTTP:// link, or not directly. This is browser hijacking, is it not? Why is the Tinklenberg campaign doing such a shabby thing?

Please answer. I will blog this email as sent to you at that address on the email.

Certainly you can hide from making a cogent reply, as a revolving door lobbyist hides. But it will be publicized. So what's the story?

Why misrepresent the truth, even in such details? What's it add to the credibility gap that Elwyn Tinklenberg faces, and why would you add to that?

Can you account for all the things this Portland Oregon operation is doing with my email address. That is private information I provided the Tinklenberg campaign in trust it would not be abused by release to third parties, for who knows what purposes. That trust appears to have been breached. Please explain yourself. And again, please square your claim of Tinklenberg having endorsements with the truth - one way or another. It would be refreshing.


Eric Zaetsch

I doubt the idiot will reply. I resent this kind of abuse of privacy. My privacy is important to me. I subscribed to the Tinklenberg emailings to keep abreast of what mischief might be brewing. That's fair use. I get this browser hijacking or rerouting where I don't know what the third party does with my name and email address tie-in. That's simply WRONG. As the email I sent says, a breach of trust.

I remember the Ray Charles movie, on the chitlin circuit, insisting on being paid in one dollar bills to not be cheated. If we are blind to things a campaign might be doing when we supply private information, we need to be as cautious as Ray was portrayed, via, "Pay me in ones."

At the Sunday Anoka Candidates' Forum, in the lobby, Chase Golding introduced himself to me and said his understanding is that the Olson campaign uses the same campaign monitoring and management software. Independently of that, I was informed that the second software package the Tinklenberg campaign uses was used last cycle by the Coleen Rowley campaign. That proves it is a common practice. I still do not like the idea of an item with what looks to be a direct hyperlink in fact linking over in some type of demographics collection mode, without up front notice. It is less the particular software package, more the mode of tracking usage without up front notice. But - I cannot say what tracking features other campaigns have utilized, or if there is any special and vendor-unintended use involved. I believe the package is sold to campaigns with tracking potential a touted feature. I may have my drawers in a bind over it, but apparently it is how it is. My error to overstate a rant.