
Friday, February 22, 2008

The two proposal pages from Tinklenberg Group to City of Ramsey, for lobbying for a Northstar stop in Ramsey.

Blueman posted about hits on his site, people wanting the below info, so I downloaded it again from the City of Ramsey documents via its LaserFiche portal - (where you cannot send a URL link to a page or page range) - and I post below the two pages submitted to the city from Tinklenberg Group. I do this as a public service. I will email blueman that he can update his post by adding a link to this:

One thing that fell between the cracks, about Tinklenberg's love of lobbying, that language on p.2, about communicating with local legislators. That's state level lobbying. The thing was written Dec. 2007, when Tinklenberg was unregistering as a lobbyist for the Anoka County Regional Railroad Authority at the same time as he was proposing to lobby for Ramsey to Northstar decision makers and federal and state legislators. His State lobbying reporting does not reflect his taking on the additional paid burden to "communicate with local legislators ..." in promoting the dog and pony show to get a trainstop. This is false by omission, not correct, that way. It does not list the truth that he is getting money, per the pages above, to "communicate with local legislators ...".

The man truly does appear to have problems with the entire truth, something that has been publicly and explicitly charged recently.

Then, that entire p.2 "Funding" section reeks to me of lobbying. And if he does not lobby in Washington DC, what "Washington DC staff" is the last bullet item under that heading talking about?

Ghosts and hobgoblins, not real people?

Does he mean he doesn't personally travel but he pulls the strings from here, moving the puppet(s) there? He lobbies through subcontractors is what the truth appears to be, if not by direct Tinklenberg Group employees stationed on the Potomac?

He does not say DC affiliates. DC staff, he says. Do they bill Ramsey directly, or through Tinklenberg Group, as subcontractors? Or will that change once the question's public? He does say he's a candidate for change. And for hope. He probably hoped those pages would get lost somewhere between getting the contract and facing the wording used to get it. That kind of hope. A hope that like charity, begins at home.

Question of the day: What equivocation and petty distinctions will this man and his spokesman now offer, if asked about that wording they, no one else, chose?

We wait.

We see.

NOTE: To better understand things about the document discrepancy Blueman notes, have a look at the two comments I put at Blueman's post (giving a possible explanation of the discrepancy he noted that exists between "agendas" and "full agendas" in Ramsey-speak, and why the two versions do not equal each other - plus my guesses about possible explanation, with guessing all I can do because I have no first-hand insider knowledge of actual cause and effect).

No point repeating something over there again here, so have a look, his post plus my possibly helpful comments.