
Tuesday, February 26, 2008

THE STATE OF JOURNALISM IN AMERICA TODAY: What would Mark Twain say? How would he editorialize?

I thought nothing could be tackier than the El Tinklenberg campaign cash emailing posted just below, but, well ---

When you are wrong, 'fess up. Say, "I was wrong."

I was wrong. No longer any need to go to Wisconsin for tackiness, we have it, Hometown. Prove it for yourself without checking links, just click on each image to enlarge.

If you like to check links, then you don't have to take my word that such very dumb marketing exists in today's United States, alive and well, perhaps cherished, and we have a Hometown Source for it, here.

And, wow, that answers my worry. I don't have to send a fifty buck check to Tink because today is his birthday. I can get by for $13.95 [shipping and handling not included?] by using my trusted source of community news as vehicle to send him a Michele Bachmann mouse pad. Think about it. We live in the greatest nation in the best of times - Columbus, Lincoln, Catherine the Great, none of them had this opportunity.

We have it.

For only $13.95.

It brings a tear to my eye and makes me think fondly of Tom Waits' "Step Right Up" ballad.

Please note and appreciate, readers, my unauthorized use of the image and text could get me sued. It says so on the webpage. There is a fair use commentary exception in the copyright laws, and well, I rest on that because I think I am being fair to these purveyors of the press. Don't you think I'm being fair?