
Saturday, February 02, 2008

Olson puts his money where his mouth is. Tinklenberg, milking cash cows all over creation, does not.

If you do not have much cash, letting a friend pick up the lunch check is okay.

If you are raking in funds hither and yon, who are you, if you defer entirely to your "friends?"

Consider this:

FEC information for Olson and Tinklenberg are out.

I am very deeply troubled by what I see in a candidate of principle and commitment, Bob Olson, putting his own money into his candidacy, standing up for what he believes in enough to put personal wealth at risk for public service; when his opponent is using PAC money and out-of-state money (primarily out of state DC dollars), to freeload without putting a single penny of any of his own wealth at risk behind himself and his candidacy.

And he has, personally and Tinklenberg Group-wise, been raking in all that lobbying/consulting cash for probably every day since the operation was incorporated and the trade name reserved, back in November, 2002. He started consulting for cash in Ramsey, early in 2003. That's years ago, thousands ago, six-figure thousands I believe, if my understanding of the numbers is correct.

Bob Olson believes in himself. With loans and a few paybacks, he still stands $97,500 in the hole, as of the FEC reporting date/data cutoff.

Tinklenberg believes in what? DC friends and friendly PACs, who believe in him?

They believe in one another?

Bob Olson deserves the respect of every Sixth District citizen wanting a choice, for doing such an honorable and selfless thing.

There seems to be no selfishness at all, in the Bob Olson effort.

ANYBODY WHO WILL STAND AS HE DOES DESERVES YOUR CONTRIBUTION. The Olson for Congress campaign website will give details - contribute online or check it to see where to send the check.