
Tuesday, February 26, 2008

It is worth it to me to post, whatever it's worth to anyone else -- the transportation bill veto override. A thank-you to Abeler and Tingelstad.

I sent it as an email to their offices. They are busy and it will be monitored by staff in a pros and cons count if nothing else, but I took the time. Here's what I said:

Reps. Abeler & Tingelstad

Transportation bill veto override

Living in the Abeler district, neighboring the Tingelstad district, I anticipated you would be pressured to vote along partisan lines. You did not. I commend that.

As one who has not read the bill, and one who expects there would be much in it I could complain of, I nonetheless feel it worth the time to acknowledge that crossing party lines while in the Taxpayer League cross-hairs was NOT taking the easy choice.

As one highly critical of waste of taxpayer money, I am not one critical of taxation.

Waste is a separate question. Hiring lobbyists for what should not need lobbyists is another problem but nobody can fix all problems at once.

I have emailed Rep. Abeler once or twice in the past, about Viking Stadium visions and the need for referenda, in general, and about improperly conducted efforts at back door establishment of a Port Authority in Ramsey - another matter I feel merits a city referendum before it is done to people.

While not expecting agreement, I have gotten responses, information and reasons and I appreciate such effort during busy times.

Again, the vote should not have been as politicized as it was, fault exists with both parties for that, but I strongly support what each of you did and will say so publicly.