
Thursday, January 31, 2008

Very important information - which I hope every blogger who intends to caucus DFL posts or mentions.

Although not a DFL insider, official, big contributer, etc., I did caucus last cycle for Wetterling, and now I am on a party mailing list.

The information is helpful for all who may/will be caucusing DFL, and if the Obama "new people into the fold" stories are true, and some may learn by reading this of caucus detail without otherwise knowing, it is worth my time in putting up this post.

The email states:

Dear Eric,

Now it’s your turn to make change.

On Tuesday, February 5, you will finally have your say in the most exciting, wide-open Democratic presidential race in decades when you go to your DFL precinct caucus to cast your vote on the presidential preference ballot.

Then you can start weighing in on the race to unseat Norm Coleman and the exciting campaigns around our state for Congress and the Minnesota House.

And when your caucus is over, join us in Saint Paul at our all-DFL caucus celebration.

So on February 5, take your turn. Go to caucus and make a difference.

Need your caucus location? Go to


If you’re in the Twin Cities, join us after your precinct caucus for our first-ever DFL Caucus-Night Party in Saint Paul. We’ll watch Minnesota and national returns and hear from great DFL elected officials, candidates, and campaign representatives about moving forward together and fighting for change in 2008. Come celebrate our first big step toward victory in November!

DFL Caucus-Night Party
Tuesday, February 5
8:00 p.m. - 11:30 p.m.
Carpenters Union Hall
710 Olive Street, Saint Paul

Super Tuesday, February 5, promises to be one of the most exciting nights in DFL history. Go to caucus and be a part of it!


Brian Melendez
Minnesota DFL Party

Donna Cassutt
Associate Chair
Minnesota DFL Party

Those who caucused before probably got the same email. This post is for any Crabgrass readers who might be new to the process but with favored candidates and cause to want to caucus this cycle. History will be made whichever presidential candidate of the remaining two reaches the general election. It is a chance to be part of history. That's not my original idea. John Edwards in bowing out noted how his concession left the field poised for history.

Finally, for newbies, the email had an "unsubscribe" link, but not info I could post for readers on how to become mailing list members. I tried parsing back the given link, but got a password protected site portal. As I say, not an insider, I don't have a user name or password, and don't belong there, so I leave it at that. Probably calling DFL central, via a Google of the two sender names above, will indirectly via site-search and parsing back, get such access to the e-mailings, for any newbie reader wanting it.

Try hard, and you may even get a password protected insider-access-authorization -- if you want. I don't need it. It is there. I leave it to others.