
Friday, August 03, 2007

The land the bank's loan position affects. PLUS debunking yet another urban legend.

[1] This is reassurance from the City staff: For Town Center land that the foreclosure affects - see, that land which is marked om the map in white.

Foreclosure does not affect City Hall or Ramp land, except for the planned shops adjacent to the north side of the ramp, which is a block subject to the mortgage. The [darker] green park segments are in dispute in litigation, the City position being they are dedicated in ways the foreclosure cannot lawfully erase or negate. The bank disputes that. I am without any independent knowledge. However, I find the clear indication City Hall land is unimpacted to be helpful. Click on the image to enlarge or open in a new tab/window. It is a readable file, even the fine print

[2] The map upper legend, is a false urban legend, bordering on being a fraud; to call PACT school, City Hall, the well-head and the free parking ramp "commercial."

City hall issues permits, plat approvals, and holds council voting. If there's "commerce" in that, then what exactly is being bought and sold?

Ramdance - with the Coborn store and environs, [in purple] sure, it is commercial.

Jim Deal's PSD, LLC land, [in blue, with the seniors residence in light green] sure, except for the senior housing, it is office commercial; although it is not the promised "nice shoppes and restaurants." Where are they? Existing only in mythology, not reality? But Deal's offices do produce a tax cash flow, and in that sense, and as business offices, they are "commercial."

Even cut a great deal of slack on the PACT school, because the owner-rental situation there produces a property tax flow.

But - city hall, the well, the ramp -- get real.

Don't be ridiculous. Truth is only so elastic. Beyond that, is only untruth.

"If a nation [or town] expects to be ignorant and free, it expects what never was and never will be . . ." Thomas Jefferson

I can differ over designations, but presenting the map publicly rather than withholding or circulating it only among a handpicked few, is positive. Presenting a disputable piece of information is an entirely different thing from withholding it.

One generates discussion. The other halts discussion and hides actions and intent. Discussion can lead to consensus or a defined disagreement. The other leads only to intended ignorance and deception. Thomas Jefferson would like the one, not the other. Photo, courtesy of the City's powerpoint slides for the Aug. 1 Comprehensive Plan session; see that and other information, here, at the city website.