
Thursday, August 02, 2007

JIM DEAL was not discussed at last night's Comp Plan session.

In discussing Town Center, the possible risk-and-reward positioning of Jim Deal was not a topic. He was not there, or if there, I did not see him.

It would be nice if he publicly posted or published somewhere his vision for what he would implement if having a larger piece - perhaps all - of the remaining unbuilt Town Center land. It was pointed out where his buildings are, and the adjacent land he and his lending interests presently hold and control.

He might as well have a shot. He stands to make a bundle. He could lose a bundle. I have no bundle in that league to put at risk, and would I take such a risk if I had the wherewithal? Not being a player that way, I have no place, cause, or reason to get into someone's way if they appear wanting to do some risk-taking.

He seems as good a prospect as there is. We should wish him well. As long as he does not intend to use public subsidy beyond the level already in place in contract papers, he is either neutral or beneficial, to taxpayers.

Let him have his shot at things. Stand back. Watch.

My guess is he was influential in arrangements for the move of the medical examiner's office to along Sunwood Drive, in Town Center. How influential? That is more his business than mine. I think it is a good step. It appears to be a done deal for the medical examiner to relocate, whether or not Jim Deal ends up taking the land now under foreclosure; or a major part of it.