
Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Favorite place in Ramsey? Least favorite place in Ramsey?

An exercise in defining our collective desires for the 2008 comprehensive plan.

Ask yourself two questions, "What is my favorite place in Ramsey?" "What is my least favorite place in Ramsey?"

It will be worthwhile.

My guess, question 1, everyone, like me, will say, "Home."

That tells you - work like crazy to protect what you have. If "home" is the most favorite, Ramsey is a community without any real outside attractions, and that is not going to change. Planner desires aside, don't expect it.

Then least favorite. I can guess there for most people. I will list three, in order:

"Highway 10."

"Town Center [except Coborns, which is worth something]."

"The stoplight at Sunwood and Ramsey Blvd."

Those living elsewhere would have "Highway 47" as an alternative worst place.

So what should objectives be? Especially with the mortgage market for borderline purchasers now in flux?

My guess - my own aim - move to protect home and hearth. Home is where the heart is.