
Thursday, July 12, 2007

It is now barely over six months since the last day James Norman had any official function with the City.

Today there is the the show up and mingle session with some undisclosed number of replacement "finalists" to be paraded for citizens to check the teeth, etc.

Be there or be square.

My guess is they give no names and number because, in case one or two get cold feet there will be no embarassment of having to say why a lesser number show up.

Same speculation on names, plus we may Google names, and then have real questions or concerns to present to individuals.

It will be more a post parade, with the horserace later, among council members. It should be a public session to discuss and vote - but, this IS Ramsey.

Developers are Crabgrass has a distinctly local flavor, and all politics are local some say.

So this will be a mix - something international, but with a local twist. Since the new city administrator candidates will be showing up to discuss all aspects of Ramsey and its position on our planet - I will be somewhat concerned with sister city relationships - our goodwill in China.

Here is a photo, off the web, proporting to be the arrest of two prostitutes, in China.

The photo is courtesy of the CDT or China Digital Times, with a website indication, "CDT is run by the Berkeley China Internet Project out of the Graduate School of Journalism at the University of California, Berkeley."

So, the world's oldest profession is a problem in the world's newest capitalist experiment, with each lady being, I suppose, a local entrepreneur. However, that is probably not the kind of commerce our sister city program is meant to foster, countenance or encourage.

I hope the group of potential new Ramsey city administrator wannabes includes prudent individuals who will either abandon the sister city program altogether as a waste of resources; or who will have a role in the program that will enhance and not lower the view that others in government have of Ramsey.