
Wednesday, July 25, 2007

A fine piece of legislation. For municipal fiscal transparancy.

Minn. Stat. Sect. 471.701, read it here, helps citizens to know. We should have more laws like that.

As a consequence, the City of Ramsey website homepage, has a page footer, which discloses:

Chapter 156 of the Session Laws of 2005 (MN Statute 471.701) requires that "a city or county with a population of more than 15,000 must annually notify its residents of the positions and base salaries of its three highest-paid employees." For the City of Ramsey, titles and salaries for 2007 are as follows: Police Chief $97,981; Finance Officer $96,789; Fire Chief and Public Works Director $94,867. Posted on 5/22/07.

Are they worth it? You decide. I am just happy to see such disclosure mandated.

Now, how much are they "making" when you include the whole benefit package? The fine health insurance coverage not everybody in Ramsey has, etc.? I would like to see a Sect. 571.701, subparts a and b; with a being what's there now; and b requiring a discoloure of full cost to the city, for each of the big three. The fuller the disclosure the better things are for citizens. A fine statute. Indeed.

And it was worth a post. It will change soon when the new City Administrator is named and gets an employment contract. I thought I saw a puff of white smoke from the chimney, but there's nothing on the city website.

I suppose what made me anticipate the puff of smoke, this from the updated City calendar for July:

5:30 pm, Monday, July 23 2007 ---
City Council Work Session City Council Second Interviews for the City Administrator Position Council Chambers.

Soon, we learn, soon - hopefully -- if this session led to a decision, or not. And with that statute, the pay for the new guy will have to be published.