
Friday, July 13, 2007

City of Ramsey sues Minnwest Bank over Town Center parks and rights.

Statement Regarding Ramsey Town Center

On June 29th, the City initiated a legal action to enforce the city’s negotiated development agreements between the City and the developer. City Council was compelled to initiate this action to clearly articulate the status of the various agreements between the City and the developer that defined the park land contributions, infrastructure improvements, and amenities of the project. We also wanted to ensure that any potential buyers of land in the project were aware of the agreements before purchasing the land.

The City looks forward to the outcome of the rescheduled land sale on July 27th so that the City and the new owner of the property can work together to successfully move the Ramsey Town Center project forward.

If you have questions, please contact Pat Trudgeon at (763) 433-9843 or .

Reprinted as a public service from City of Ramsey website. Text only from website - photo not in original - photo inconsistent with second to last website paragraph.