
Friday, December 22, 2006

Who is running the show now, at Ramsey Town Center LLC? Who now is pushing the lie of a "Port" and "Port Authority" in Ramsey?

Indeed, is Ramsey Town Center LLC still running the show? Are they even still a player?

With Bruce Nedegaard dead, who's driving the automobile now? Where is it headed?

Unless and until we know that - We the Taxpayers should expect our officials to show restraint and not move to bury us deeper in taxes and bond debt.

Who will step forward and say what those people - the Town Center private promoters aiming to profit greatly from the Town Center effort - will be doing and spending, how, for what, and under what timing schedules?

Taxpayers have been chumped enough already over Town Center spending for infrastructure and a palace for bureaucrats. Why should taxpayers chump themselves any further without answers, including a full and fair detailed roadmap being laid out, in advance and not being put out peicemeal with names such as "Sunwood Grand" which sounds like a casino or some such, and is wholly uninformative.

Put the full roadmap, once and for all, on the table for all of us to see and criticize, and modify, fix and repair, especially now with the key private player history?

Should we simply chump ourselves because Pat Trudgeon or the mayor says, "Trust me."?

I do not think so.

AGAIN: Where is the automobile being driven and who, now, is in the driver's seat with Bruce Nedegaard dead?

Start with that simple question.

Probably there's already an answer - or soon will be.

Let's hear it.

And for a bit of honesty to be thrown into the mix - let's have somebody from the council table admit Ramsey has no port; and that all notion of a port and a port authority is a sorry fiction (attributable mainly to James E. Norman) to load more tax and debt on the citizens - against their interests and without their having a referendum voice over it in advance of it being done to them.

Others went along with that "Port Authority" hoax, but for now let's lay it at the Norman doorstep, and with his resignation revisit the entire question - fairly, this time, and in the light of day and without stealth.

Zygi Wilf was told there has to be a referendum.

Now let's tell Tom Gamec the same thing.