
Friday, December 15, 2006

IS THIS WHAT "RAMSEY3" IS ALL ABOUT? If so, stow the BS, and explain.

Is this what Ramsey3 is about? Possibly, in a sense, more or less; or not at all?

If so, it sounds exactly like consideration of the question, "What did you move here for?"

Profligate growth [sewer/water to the Gun Club being the poster child] has flown in the face of the "rural feel" the politicians have touted, but have honored in the breach all too often.

So, if this IS what the stealth package called "Ramsey3" is about it inspires two comments:

[1] Why package a good idea the same condescending and suspicious way Town Center was foisted off on people?

[2] The devil is in the details, so bypass the propaganda can the BS, this time, and get to the point. Shoot straight and the chance of hitting a target actually is better.