
Wednesday, November 29, 2006


I may be the only one who finds it very offensive, but I sure doubt it.

Hopefully, it ends with James Norman's tenure as city administrator.

Going to meetings or being in city meeting rooms, there always are charts, boards, graphics about Town Center along the walls. Cluttering the room. OFFENSIVELY cluttering the room.

And propagandizing me. And I object strongly.

One request to the new council members, and the holdovers. Get the stuff out. Give it back to Bruce Nedegaard and his architectural toadies, and let them store their stuff in a barn somewhere.

But get it all out of my way, please.

It is like holding that false referendum on, "Would you like nice shops and restaurants," and giving instead crammed shared-wall housing that looks cheap and Lego-like, along Ramsey Blvd, at least, and like tarted-up boxes elsewhere at Town Center. It is ugly, and architecturally unsound; we all can see that and propaganda about some institutional award for the project while it's been nothing on the ground but an eyesore and failure is more propaganda we do not need and gain no benefit from its being given us. Open your eyes. Have a look. Decide for yourself.

And mayor and council -- please tell Nedegaard and crew to move that stuff out to their own workspaces. It offends.